Bordges Timber has been a Fire Suppression and Repair Contractor for USFS R5 & R4, Cal Fire, PG&E, Liberty Power, SMUD and holds current agreements with these agencies.
Mastication: Lake Tabeaud, Pit/Cottonwood, El Dorado County Fire Safe, Amador County Fire Safe, Road Power Line Right of Way.
Removal: Centerville Table Mountain / Oroville, HatCreek / WestWood, Gold Hill Phase#1, MiddleFork –French Meadows. Some of these projects are in tier 3 fire areas and wild-land urban interface.
2022 Mendecino Fort Bragg, Salt Springs-Tiger Creek, Ice House, SMUDA Penstock, Sagehen Tapp and Loon Lake. Skidding, Decking, Hauling, Pruning of over 10,000.
Camp Ground Hazard Tree Removal Thompson Aspen/Hopper Corral Peninsula Camp Ground Smudia Camp Ground
2021 August Complex Fire / Fort Bragg
2019-2020 French Meadows / Middlefork TVMR Reliability
2018-2019 CampFire, Centerville Table Mtn Mastication & hazardous fuel cleanup
2014-2018 Tubbs Fire, Nuns Fire, Atlas Fire Mastication & hazardous fuel cleanup, Lake Tabeaud Mastication on 125 acres, Soberanes Fire Fuel Reduction on Fire USFS Region 5, Homer Stewardship Mastication job in Tahoe, Pipeline ll Project Mastication